Thursday, January 19, 2006

Pesquisa de campo...

Hoje eu achei um blog muito interessante, parece com o que eu gosto de escrever, mas na realidade americana, vale a pena conferir:]

Tirei um pedacinho sobre o ovo perfeito:

By dropping the egg gently into simmering water, and keeping it at slow
simmer, for the next 11 minutes, you will have the ideal egg. The whites
will be just cooked, yet not stewed, and the yolks will be gazing up at you,
with a sunny disposition. As for me, this has been somewhat of a revelation.
Now I can't go crazy, if confronted with a plate full of hard-cooked eggs, I
wouldn't know what to do with myself. But cooked properly, sliced relatively
thinly, and served open-faced on a sandwich of arugula and sliced radish,
drizzled with a high quality, peppery olive oil, I might say that's a
delightful lunch.


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